Monthly Archives: September 2009

Fun, Fun, Funerals!

My favourite part about funerals is the egg salad sandwiches; though a close second is the tuna.  I only wish they were bigger!  And those teeny-tiny plates – you seriously have to load up to get any value at all…grieving … Continue reading

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Dear 1989 Me

Dear 1989 Me, Hi! It’s 2009 me, writing to give you a heads up about a few things.  Now, I’m not going to ruin all the fun and tell you everything, but thought it’d be helpful for you (erm, me) … Continue reading

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Recently, I was working on a premise, so had reason to look up the Ten Commandments (long story). While I was doing so, I realized that, for all intents and purposes, when applied to comedy, we really shouldn’t follow the … Continue reading

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In Training!

Must keep this short this week, can only afford to take a few minutes out of my intense training regime! Am in the final training crunch before tonight’s “Stand Up & Bite Me” contest! Have participated (with varying degrees of … Continue reading

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For Immediate Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: O’Neill Children Finally Return to School Toronto, Ontario. September, 2009. After what appeared to be the longest summer in recorded history, Tom & Madeleine O’Neill have, at last, returned to school.  Their exhausted parents heaved a sigh … Continue reading

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