Author Archives: marthaoneill
FINALLY! Updating.
Well, I’ve been terrible about updating this puppy. But for good reason! At the end of last year, my life got crazy busy. Firstly, I landed a dream job at a brand-spanking new radio station that serves York Region, 105.9 … Continue reading
I am so sick of the whole bloody “female comedians aren’t funny” comments/articles/discussions. If you TRULY think that way, fine, whatever; just don’t talk/write about it anymore. I’m so bored with it all. And frankly, do you REALLY think that? … Continue reading
My Brain is Full
Did you know that Wayne Gretzky’s birthday is January 26th? And did you know that the work “posh” originated from when the wealthy British would travel to the continent? They preferred the shaded side of the ship, so their tickets … Continue reading
Audiences – Go figure
I have given up trying to figure out audiences. Actually, the idea of a group of people, no matter how large or small, who are mostly strangers to each other and you can be lumped together and treated as a … Continue reading
Eye Contact!
I’m astounded at all the things we have to teach our kids. I knew signing up that being a parent is hard work, but the pressure to not screw them up is stunning. So, Shane and I really have tried … Continue reading