Canadian Comedy Awards Part 1

WARNING:  Unashamedly upbeat and positive blog to follow!

It’s two weeks since the Canadian Comedy Awards and I’m still buzzing about the whole thing.  What a wonderful weekend in Saint John, New Brunswick.  Truly, I had the time of my life.  Though now I’m paying for it (I swear my brain keeps forgetting to tell my body that I am NOT 20 years old anymore).

So here’s a little recap, from where I stood.

Arrived at Pearson in plenty of time to catch my 8:40am flight, where I ran into about 10 other comics (interestingly all ladies, except for Nathan Macintosh and Sean Cullen).  On the tiny plane, it sure felt like the start of a fun weekend.  However, about 30 mins into the flight, I went to the loo, only to discover that 95% of the comics were asleep.  Party on, Garth.

We were met at the airport in Saint John by reps from the CCA’s and a VERY enthusiastic Lori Gibbs (who was nominated in my category) – such a lovely lady (and so perky first thing in the morning – perky all the time, I later found out!).

After we checked into the hotel (harbour views of the Bay of Fundy!) had a wonderful lunch with a whack of comics – met Cory Mack and Scott Falconbridge amongst others and gorged on seafood.  Then down to the “green room” where a few of us had a few beers…getting sleepy; but headed back to the room only to run into Ron Sparks who invited me to tag along to the university gig he’d booked for the evening – would I like to play?  Of course!  Was a little nervous about the idea of playing for the kids – but they were wonderful.  Afterwards, headed off to catch the end of the Stand Up showcase (which featured many of the male & female nominees), then back to the hotel.  Shane arrived later that night and had a quiet drink in the bar with a rag tag mix of fest folks.

Next morning, was up early for a radio interview with Shelley Marshall at the local classic rock station (Big John 98.9).  I think it went well, though I was perhaps a little punchy due to lack of sleep mixed with adrenaline.  Walked through Saint John (holy crap, what a beautiful city…hilly as hell, but lovely).  Met Gordon Pinsent outside of the hotel – lovely man, so decided to spread the rumour that he & I were an item. Later bought gifts for the kids and Dad, then an all-too-brief nap, then off the awards.

Kudos to Harry Doupe who put together a first class night.  The Imperial Theatre was one of the loveliest I’ve seen and tickets were sold to the public, so it felt like a real event. The awards ceremony moved along at a good pace and though I didn’t win (Nathan “Newman” Macintosh did), really enjoyed the evening.  After the awards, met Gordon again, so told him I was spreading the word about him & I and not only was he cool with it, offered to have our first public fight on the street then and there! Such a gent.

Straight after the awards, I had to rush off to my “festival” show – the Late Show at the Phoenix.  Jon Dore hosted and myself, Nathan, Andrew Johnston (also a nominee in my category) and Shelley Marshall performed to a standing-room only (and tipsy, rather vociferous ) crowd.  Good times.

Returned to the hotel and green room around 1am only to discover that all the beer was gone – but clever me had stashed some in my room, along with other intoxicants so rallied forth into the wee hours.  My body was not pleased with me, but worth it in retrospect.

Have just realized that I’m going on and on, so this blog will have to be split into two parts – still have much to tell!  Check back next week for the gripping conclusion!  In the meantime check out the CCA’s website for the list of winners and photos from the weekend.

And (belated) Happy Thanksgiving all!  I know that I, for one, have much to be thankful for.

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